6-20 个字符(仅限字母加数字)
Our ultrafiltration technology is highly resistant to acid and alkali, ensuring accurate filtration and reliable performance. Our super ultrafiltration membrane separation technology effectively removes harmful substances from water without the need for chemical additives, ensuring safe and clean water. We offer a range of membrane shells and types to meet your specific needs, and we are happy to customize our ultrafiltration technology to meet your unique requirements.
QDEVU 膜专为专业应用而设计。膜依赖于清洁设备的运行以及清洁产品的效率。
QDEVU 系列产品专为满足各行各业的需求而配制,在去除水垢和污垢方面极为有效。
超滤 (UF) 是一种压力驱动的纯化过程,使用超细膜介质将颗粒物质与可溶性化合物分离。超滤是脱盐预处理、反渗透预处理和废水回收以及生产饮用水的优良分离技术。
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